Is located in District Klumbayan, Tanggamus, Lampung, Gigi Hiu own location is a fairly remote area of the neighborhood residents as well as the crowd. However, this location is actually located not too far from another amazing location that is Teluk Kiluan.
Pagadungan Beach is often also referred to as Gigi Hiu Beach. Gigi Hiu Beach is quite different from other beaches that are widely spread in Indonesia. Gigi Hiu beach or have exotic Pegadungan located from many clusters of rocks towering cliffs tub with a composition that is quite unique. The rock clusters have a height and also a large enough to vary between 1 meter to 10 meters for its height.
That is the location of Turkish Pegadungan known as Shark Tooth Beach thanks to the cliffs that resemble the teeth of ferocious sea animals enough that a shark. Despite its exoticism, this location is also referred to as Batu Layar because its stone develops like a sailboat.
Various enrichment facilities and access to tourist routes have not been well thought and matured, either by residents of the surrounding community or even the government. But it seems that access to a less supportive location will not hinder the desire for adventure, especially if you do have a truly adventurous spirit who always hungry for the tourist attractions and new experiences.
But wait, there are other things that should be your attention before visiting because in the vicinity of Pegadungan Beach and Gigi Hiu waves are very large and sharp rocks and pointy, it seems not good news for those of you who intend to try on vacation with swimming, snorkeling or diving in this area. Unlike most marine tourism locations in Indonesia it turns out that this one beach is not the right spot for those of you who want to perform activities under the sea.
This marvelous beach just offers the beauty of its location through the scenery presented, so that most visitors who come to this location are the photographers who want to capture the beauty of nature through the lens of the camera. The best dish you can get if visiting the beach especially Pegadungan Gigi Hiu is when the sunrise. At that time you will be presented with a beautiful view of the orange-red jungle between the rocks of large and sharp rocks of large waves that also reflect light from the beautiful sun color.
Tour Access To Pegadungan
Access points and roads to Pegadungan Beach is the main problem that makes this beautiful location less attract the attention of tourists, in addition to the location is quite limited to the activities of photography and travel scenery only. As for reaching to this beach, you can follow the following route.
With the point of the journey from Bakauheni, you can use travel to Long. After reaching Long return journey proceed to Teluk Kiluan. And the last, you move towards to Beach of Pegadungan switch from car transportation by using Ojek. Actually, the distance from Teluk Kiluan to Pegadungan Beach is not too far away, it only takes an hour away, but because the road is hollow and slippery and prone, then the trip will exceed that time. The fee is big enough for one trip back and forth. Actually, there is a boat that passes the coastal route, but because the waves are also sharp coral dangerous to make the boat can not stay away to the edge.
Loksainya to be taken with full of struggle must be enough to drain your energy, especially if you want to enjoy the sunset that became the main dish of this location, then inevitably you have to stay around the beach Pegadungan.
You probably will not find classy luxury hotels, but you can try to find lodging in the homes around residents, or you can return to the Bay Kilauan located not too far from the location to get lodging.
Travel Tips
There are some tips that should be your consideration before leaving for this location include the following:
1. Its location is quite remote and travel access is quite difficult, so this place is suitable for you who really have true traveling soul. For those of you who half-visit should be discouraged. But the amazing scenery awaits you at the end of the journey.
2. Try choosing the right time when visiting. The dry season is the best time to get to this beach because the access roads are safe enough, the streets will not be too slippery and certainly, reduce the risk of falling.
3. Be careful when around the shore especially Shark Teeth, because the rocks are sharp enough, stay focused on your footing while capturing the beautiful moment in that location.
4. Prepare also your finances, because, precisely the cost you must spend to ride motorcycle taxi can multiply greater, compared with travel that brings you from the port or to the Gulf Kiluan. The price usually given to passengers is around 150 thousand rupiah for a day, even if you intend to enjoy the sunrise and come home at night then the tariff will rise to 200 thousand rupiahs.
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